99 days

...until we say "I do"! 💍
Dear guests, welcome to our wedding website! 
Please use this resource to find information about our Marbella wedding including location, RSVP, nearby hotels, and more! 
We can't wait to celebrate with you soon 💖
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Wedding day 💍

Saturday, June 21st 2025
Welcome drinks at 2PM
Ceremony starts at 2:30PM
Celebration until 1AM
Dress code: cocktail attire
Finca la Concepción, Marbella
View directions

Where to stay

We recommend staying in Marbella.
These are some suggested hotels:
📍 La Fonda (5⭐️)
📍 El Fuerte (5⭐️)
📍 Lima (4⭐️)
📍 Ona Princesa Playa (4⭐️)
📍 Baviera (3⭐️)
Feel free to also check out Airbnb or Booking.com for other options!

How to arrive

🚌 We'll organize buses from Marbella — We'll share information closer to the date!
🚕 The venue is just 10 minutes away from Marbella, taking a taxi is inexpensive and convenient
🚗 Feel free to drive to the venue, we have parking on-site

Our story

Álvaro & Katherine (known as Ren & Katie to most, but also as Hershel & Lilliana in Risk, or Avril & Kiri at the Oviedo Starbucks) met in January, 2021 at a get together introduced by a mutual friend.
Álvaro had lived in London for half a year at that time and after 4 years in London, Katherine was considering moving back to the US.
At the time they met, things were locked down in London due to Covid and the early days of their relationship flourished through walks and other types of dates that you would find during Covid times. Needless to say, after the day they met they were inseparable 💘
During the 4 years they dated, they enjoyed making the most of what London has to offer — sharing random adventures, discovering new restaurants, exploring new neighbourhoods and spending time with friends and family. They’ve focused on their education/careers and spent time travelling around Europe and the US together. 
Currently they live in Islington (London, UK) and can’t wait to enter this new chapter of their relationship and union! 💍
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Wedding Party

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Channing Cook

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Andrey Stukan

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Faith Jones

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Jesús Cabo

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Gabrielle Touré

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Ari Menéndez

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Frances Wilcher


Alma Rosaz

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Naomi Evra

Wedding gifts

Coming soon... please check back closer to the wedding date for more information 💝
